2023 ANBD

Examination Review
Regular exhibition
special exhibition
Arthur, Liaw
A diverse array of artworks, including illustrations, photographs, and paintings, were carefully judged based on criteria such as Artistic Concept, Critical Interpretation, and Visual Creativity, all within the framework of the exhibition's theme of "Empathy." Each piece showcased unique styles, techniques, colours, and visual narratives, provoking thoughts, encouraging discussions, evoking emotions, and fostering awareness and education
Assistant Professor
First City University College
ar thur.liaw@firstcity.edu.my
Chen, LiMei
People from the art and design fields around the world share the issue of "Empathy", inject new perspectives and new techniques, and fully Convey the tension, novelty, uniqueness, conveyability, criticality and diversity of beauty in art and design.
Associate Professor and Chair
Tainan University of Technology
Han, Sunmi
The 2023 ANBD periodic exhibition, themed with 'empathy' and presented diverse genres artworks, impressed me enough. However, some works that seemed to be off from the exhibition’s theme created doubtful questions. Each work was evaluated and selected with the following criterion whether it adapted the theme to the art work properly and how well it applied the artistic creation and expression to the complete artwork.
Gangneung-Wonju University
Hoshi, Mika
In this selection, only one work was selected for each artist, but the artists were asked how they would choose the four works. I chose it based on how creatively it was made into a series. First of all, we narrowed down the candidate artists to 20 and decided on the theme of "Empathy" and the characteristics of the exhibition area. In the end, 20 works were selected, with special recognition given to original works that take advantage of the following.
Assistant Professor
Tsukuba University
Jain, Jhin-Ping
From the perspective of the judges, the main focus is on the ideas conveyed through visual imagery, from composition to the arrangement of colors. It is essential that the visuals evoke a unique emotional experience for the viewer
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
Lee, Junga
I tried to select the works that reinterpreted empathy, the theme of the exhibition,well in their own way with sensibility. The various factors such as the ability to interpret the subject, humor, and color that were harmonized and the intuitive or sometimes metaphorical message delivery ability were important points of view
Sangmyung University
Suchart, Taothong
Concept, art composition, design, and creation that reflects creative progress, the integrity of the composition of the work having artistic value advanced artwork, Including the relationship with the theme of this exhibition.
Emeritus Professor
Bangkokthonburi University
Wada, Naoto
Empathy brings people together, sharing joys and sorrows and healing emotional wounds. That beautiful touch of the soul leaves a deep impression on the heart and shines forever. We should always remember to be close to the hearts of others. When the beautiful power of empathy dwells in our actions, the world will shine more beautifully.
Japan Women's University
Wattana, Jutaviphat
The composition concept of outstanding works is associated with the exhibition theme. The happiness of creativity is a science that has no right, no wrong, depending on the perspective and experience of each person. Creative works and designs for exhibitions in 4 regions, the audience can enjoy the artworks at their own pace.
Emeritus Professor
Chulalongkorn University
Kato, Osamu
There was a wide range of interpretations regarding the theme "ASIA's colors," with some focusing on actual colors and others translating ASIA's values and current situation into colors. From among them, I particularly selected works that capture perspectives that are often overlooked in everyday life, works that demonstrate ASIA's coexistence of diverse values, and works that are innovative in terms of the precision of the work and the division of the screen. .
Chiba University
Khairani, Mohd Zahuri
The ability to juxtapose the creative composition in the theme of ‘Color of Asia’ based on the artist’s selected medium are essential. The artwork focuses on the identity of localization yet the overwhelming of globalization which enhance the deep meaning to portray, as well as the artist’s “mind journey” to produce artworks in art discourse.
Associate Professor
Sultan Idris Education University
Park, Jaehong
ANBD plans to hold the 2023 ANBD special exhibition in Kyushu, Japan under the theme of “Color of Asia.” 'Color' appears to be a physical phenomenon, but it is a visual language that expresses the designer's thoughts. When judging the works as a whole, we judged them based on whether the colors and color combinations expressed the identity of each country.
Mokpo National University
Tseng, Hsun-Yi
The artworks encompass various fields such as illustration, photography, graphic design, mixed media creations, fashion design, and installation art. They employ "form," "color," and "imagery" as visual transformations, interpreting the diverse perspectives and multicultural styles of "Color of Asian."
Assistant Professor
Kun Shan University
Wattana, Jutaviphat
The composition concept of outstanding works is associated with the exhibition theme. The happiness of creativity is a science that has no right, no wrong, depending on the perspective and experience of each person. Creative works and designs for exhibitions in 4 regions, the audience can enjoy the artworks at their own pace.
Emeritus Professor
Chulalongkorn University
Wu, TingHuan
This time, the exhibitors displayed unique Asian colors. The works with deep compositions highlighted the country’s historical significance, and the bright and colorful colors were more memorable.
Tainan University of Technology
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